All my life, I’ve grown up around the entrepreneurial spirit. I believe if you can see yourself doing it and plan it out then you can achieve it.
Before graduation, I hope to close on a career in sales, advertising, or marketing. I want a career with a form of commission as an incentive. However, I am one of those who always likes to have multiple things going on and lately I’ve been thinking about going into real estate at a young age as an investment.
Over this past summer I was following and listening to a lot of videos, blogs, and quotes Grant Cardone, a conglomerate real estate guru, said about investing and real estate. A quote he lives by is that he, “rents where he lives, and owns what he rents,” and I truly believe that’s a great way to live this day in age to be financially free in the long run and able to travel.
What scares me, is writing about something I am not an expert on. However, following professional real estate blogs, and professionals like Grant Cardone will help me learn since I will have to be writing about this. The excitement is seeing what new tips and tricks I’ll come across in the industry.
Creating and running a blog will be a fun and learning experience. For my previous internship we had to create blogs and they were very fun and creative so this is one project I am really stoked about.
Until the next post!
-Keegan D. Otter