Welcome, welcome! My name is Keegan Otter and I am a Senior at Washington State University, studying Strategic Communication from the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication and minoring in Business Administration from the Carson College of Business. This blog is going to be about starting out in real estate because I want to learn more about the industry. By having to write about this industry it will force me to learn more about it so I have information to use in my writing.
Outside of this course and other courses, I work as a bartender at The Coug and as the Associated Students of Washington State University Director of Community Affairs. I am also an active member in my fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon.
I’m excited to work on blogging this semester and increase my web design skills. I’m hoping to be able to create a good practice of earned media too, and have an active following base on the blog from this. To learn more about starting in real estate follow my blog!
You, the viewer can expect to learn the basics of real estate and get a perspective on how to start going into the market at a young age, but you will also see how much hard work actually goes into it.